Wednesday, July 13, 2011

New classmates

It's wednesday, and tomorrow is my first day being a twelfth. Gah! holiday is over :'(
All is new, new classroom, new classmates, new teachers, new subjects, but not new me. I'm still the old Rara who hates a new classmate.
Having a new classmates is like a nightmare to me. Well, I'm not kind of those who talks a lot and easily assimilates with new people. I find it hard to get to know new people.
Since I received my report card, this is what I always think and worry about. How is my new classmates? How if they wouldn't be nice to me? How if they were vain? And soo much "How if" this and "how if" that.
I know I shouldn't predujice about new classmates. Cause I haven't even been in the class and got to know them. But you knowww, no one of my close friend were in the same class with me :((((
Oh I forgot to mention :o, well XII IPA 5 is my new class.
So, for my eleventh-grade classmates (simpanse), thaaaaanks a lot guys. Thanks for coloring my life, thanks for your craziness, thanks thanks thanks for everything you have been done. We might not together anymore, but you guys always be in a special place, in the heart :')
hmm the last thing to say, hopefully my new classmates will be nice and bring lots of fun for the last year on highschool :)

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