Monday, April 8, 2013


For once, for once, for once I get the feeling that I'm right where I belong... That song fits pretty well with some situation that is now unfolding in my life. I feel small, worried, and sad. I begin to feel the things I felt for the couple of year ago, which definitely weren't pretty. Sometimes I kinda hate myself for being so lack of everything :( 

Sunday, March 10, 2013


Ini mungkin kali pertama aku bisa merasakan yang namanya bahagia nerima tugas dosen selama menjadi mahasiswa. Tugasnya adalah membuat logo perusahaan / produk plus penjelasannya. Dan gambar dibawah ini nihh logo buatanku. Simpel sih, tapi aku mbikinnya dengan penuh perasaan :3 serta diselimuti oleh rasa gembira yang jarang sekali aku rasakan saat mengerjakan tugas

Iya, logoku bergambar unicorn. Emm ceritanya aku lagi buka butik khusus cewek yang namanya "GA boutique". Nama butik GA ini memiliki 2 arti, yang pertama merupakan kepanjangan dari Grace & Awesome (keanggunan & mengagumkan) dan yang kedua merupakan kepanjangan dari si pemilik butik, Gusti Ayu. Terus kenapa logonya unicorn? Soalnya lucu sih haha, terus unicorn itu merupakan simbol keanggunan dan kealamian :3 cocok banget sama produk-produk butik GA. Coba lihat ke hidung unicorn nya, itu adalah huruf G dan A. Sekarang lihat ke rambutnya, rambutnya ada 8 helai tuh =)) soalnya kan 8 merupakan angka keberuntungan dan merupakan satu satunya angka yang ga terputus, jadi biar rejeki di butik ini ngalir terus n ga pernah putus gitu deh :P amin *muekso*.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Self told

So I tell myself, "Don't try to please people by doing things that don't really belong to you. Because once you've pleased and impressed them, the only thing that is left is YOU. Why keep doing things you don't love when you have a right to choose what you want to do? Allow yourself to dream. Allow yourself to reach your highest star. Just don't allow yourself for doing thing that is not right for you. There is no sorry needed, mistake you had done in the past will guide you to a better person. You deserve the best once you've done your best".
I'm looking forward to a new fresh start. Only sometimes I'm still questioning whether I capable or not..... Semoga saja bisa. Bismillah...

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Sigh No More

Love; it will not betray you
Dismay or enslave you, it will set you free
Be more like the man you were made to be

There is a design, an alignment to cry
Of my heart to see,
The beauty of love as it was made to be

— Mumford & Sons

Friday, February 22, 2013

rabbit headpiece

Rabbit's ear headpiece made from some easy-to-find materials such as: wire as the framework, sisa kain kebaya (or you can replace with kain tile), and some velvet ribbon. 
Why did I make this? Iseng buat foto foto haha. Tapi ternyata kalo aku yang make ga cocok -_-. So, thanks to my little sister for being the model xixixi.

emmmwuaachh :*

Sunday, February 3, 2013


The dream net has been made
For many generations
Where spirit dreams have played.
Hung above the cradle board,
Or in the lodge up high,
The dream net catches bad dreams,
While good dreams slip on by.
Bad dreams become entangled
Among the sinew thread.
Good dreams slip through the center hole,
While you dream upon your bed.
This is an ancient legend,
Since dreams will never cease,
Hang this dream net above your bed,
Dream on, and be at peace.

-quoted from here

Couple days ago I made this to put on my bedroom. Look at the feathers, I got them from my mom's sulak :|
I used an embroidery hoop for the bigger circle and a bag handle for the smaller one. Making the net wasn't as complicated as your eyes might see. It wasn't that hard :D believe me.. There're so many helpful tutorials on google :D.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

IntanPsptsr: We met in this lovely class - Simpanse :3

IntanPsptsr: We met in this lovely class - Simpanse :3: Okee kali ini flashback dikit yaaa, aku jadi pengen nulis tentang aku n temen2ku kelas XI.Yap temen2 simpanse. Ya di kelas ini aku memang p...

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Little rabbit's confusion

The two options actually have no difference, both are about "a way to reach the carrot paradise". Only each option has its own goods' and bads' which make the little rabbit find it so difficult to decide. Little rabbit's head become so foggy that everything around her take on mystical appearance. She can't see anything as clear as she was. Hmm maybe she should just sit it out and waiting for the fog to lift..