Saturday, January 8, 2011

report card

not like the other normally schools, I've just got my report card yesterday -.-
Well, I already though that my score will be soooo bad -.-
you know, my finalexam scores were....... hancur! bosok! ''iku nilai ta nomer punggung?'' wkwk

dan setelah kubuka my blue report card....

there's one subject which haven't complied the SKM.
SKMnya 76. bosooooook!
dan nilai TIK cuman 73 :(((((( (padahal uda ikut remed loh, kalo di lab pun ak selalu ngerjain, padahal kan banyak yg ga ngerjain zzzzzz )
tenaaaang rak! minggu ini masi bisa diperbaiki biar jadi 76 :D

tapi alhamdulillah, maci macuk cepuluh becar hihihih :D
ranking 10 is not too bad
I wish I could be smarter -at least have a better score than now- on the next semester. Amiiiiin :D #pleaseprayforrara

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