Sunday, January 30, 2011


I feel like become more stupid on this semester.
I couldn't understand what taught at school well. Especially on science subjects. Stupid. I was student of science class but I can't understand science well?
I'm not entirely not understand, at least I know a bit. Just a little bit.
  • math: 60%
  • chemistry: 30%
  • biology: 25%
  • physics: 0%
those are the persentage of how much i understand the subject
my physics is so amazing, isn't it?
hey I'm not the one who not understanding school subjects that much.
there're only 3 from 40 students who understand physics.
give applause.
who are supposed to be blamed? the teacher or the student?
I honestly think that it was the teachers' fault. How could they keep teaching without seeing whether their students understand or not? and another thing, they have to take a look on their own selves, the way they're teaching confuse the students.
but actually, I'm not supposed to blaming the teacher like this.
We should remember students' responbility.
What should we do to get better score.
There's no way but study. Yeah, study hard! (kabeh yo eroh -.-)

Saturday, January 29, 2011

For most of popular teenagers, being home at saturday night is a really terrible thing
Well, I'm a not-popular-teenager. So I don't mind if I just stay at home at saturday night.
Being home then do such a not-important thing with sotosop :p


Thursday, January 20, 2011

nilai salah

saya sudah besusah-susah untuk mengerjakan remed TIK -nilai TIK dirapot cuman 73 huhu- dan itu tentang Microsoft Access. Ternyata...... terjadi kesalahan. seharusnya aku ga remed! data-dataku di guru TIK loooh ga ada yang remed. Zzzzzz mangkelno -__-

Sunday, January 16, 2011

cindo's party

I was invited to cindo's sweet-seventeen-party on Saturday, January 15th 2011.
The dresscode was blackformal. Aaaand I looked like mau ngelayat -_-

the party's supposed to be starting on 6 p.m. , you know what?
It just started on 7.15 p.m. (be'e :p)
1 hour 15 minutes to wait, as usual, me and friends are potow-potow :3

i were the polonice :3

Cindo call 3 girls and 3 guys to parcitipate the game.
oh what the hell?! Cindo call my name too. I were one of them. aaargh

There're 3 teams. 1 team consist of 1 girl and 1 guy.
- boni and tantyo [hottest couple =))]
- cindo's cousin (ce) and cindo's cousin (co)
- me and someone I-even-do-not-know-who-he-is

permainannya adalah..
kamu harus ngambil jepit di baju pasanganmu.
dan jepit itu harus diambil pake mulut.
dan jepit itu dijepitkan dibagian yang, ehm susah
dan aku sendiri ga kenal pasanganku
dan pasti sangat memalukan wktu itu -___-

ya ampuuun boni semangat sekali =))

ok. enough for that game, I mean that silly game!

here are another games..
more stupid than I did. rotfl =))

>nyalurin kertas pake mulut, mulai dari kertas besar, disobek2 sampe kecil, dan hasilnya seperti diatas =))

theeen... sing a song :3

Saturday, January 8, 2011

report card

not like the other normally schools, I've just got my report card yesterday -.-
Well, I already though that my score will be soooo bad -.-
you know, my finalexam scores were....... hancur! bosok! ''iku nilai ta nomer punggung?'' wkwk

dan setelah kubuka my blue report card....

there's one subject which haven't complied the SKM.
SKMnya 76. bosooooook!
dan nilai TIK cuman 73 :(((((( (padahal uda ikut remed loh, kalo di lab pun ak selalu ngerjain, padahal kan banyak yg ga ngerjain zzzzzz )
tenaaaang rak! minggu ini masi bisa diperbaiki biar jadi 76 :D

tapi alhamdulillah, maci macuk cepuluh becar hihihih :D
ranking 10 is not too bad
I wish I could be smarter -at least have a better score than now- on the next semester. Amiiiiin :D #pleaseprayforrara

Saturday, January 1, 2011


A week without the whole school thing passed indifferently.
I don't go to anywhere. I do not go to anywhere on my holiday! -I mean go out of this town
Well, most of my day passed with no special thing, flat, and yeah, boring.
Poor me -.-
but I don't care if people think I'm cupu or anything like that.
So, what did I do on my leisure time?
Of course not! I won't touch anything related to school on my holiday. (holiday? Is It a holiday? ha ha, I'm not sure)
I just read meg's book (mediator 5, pd1, pd2) which I borrowed from vanty :p
Lumayaaaaaaan, it's better than do nothing, isn't it? *menghibur dirisendiri*
I wish I have lots of wonderful days, or at least better than other days ago #2011wish

One thing is clear: tomorrow is monday, aaaaand I hate it!


boring II

After those meg-reply-mycomment thing,
there was an interesting-but-not-importan thing too.
Let see..

ga terima dong, si vanty aja di follback masak aku engga? wkwk :p

wuhuuuu.. She's following me back. Ahahaha
I can't believe that! The bestselling author of The Princess diaries is following me back! *lebay, overreacting, alay, but whocares?*
That's very nice of her!
I love her! So does her books! ahahah :p



goodbye 2010, welcome 2011
fireworks everywhere. here I say:
wishing all the best for us in this year

there're many good and bad memories in 2010. take it as lesson. for being a good person in 2011